Brief Summary of main Green Party policies:

The banking system

The Green Party would fight for a fair financial deal, with community banks, credit unions and mutuals, providing realistic loans. We will fight to introduce a High Pay Commission to reduce financial inequality.

Health and the NHS

Greens oppose cuts, closures and privatisation and demand a full programme of locally accessible services. We want free social care to the elderly and to abolish prescription charges, re-introduce free eye tests and ensure widely available NHS chiropody. We will also fight to restore free dental care and provide everyone with an NHS dentist.


All pensioners should receive a non-means tested pension of £170 per week. We should also provide free care and support for those living independently. The Green Party manifesto shows how we could introduce free home insulation for all, with priority for pensioners and those living in fuel poverty.


The Green Party would build new council homes, support the development of housing co-ops, restore 300,000 long-term empty private sector homes to use, renovate 37,000 empty council homes, improve the quality of housing stock and helping people at risk of repossession via a Right to Rent scheme.

Jobs and a living wage

The Green Party will fight for a Minimum Wage of £8.10 per hour, and provide a £44bn package to create an extra million jobs and training places, including workforce training, investment in renewables, public transport, insulation, social housing and waste management.


The Green Party would re-nationalise trains to improve service and reduce fares. We would divert £30bn from road projects into public transport and spend £1.5bn subsidising public transport to reduce fares by up to 10%. This would strengthen communities, reduce crime, improve health, reduce traffic fatalities and create 160,000 jobs.

For more details including how we will pay for these comitments please see the full manifesto, which can be downloaded.


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